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2023-07-09 21:45:44 来源:金风故事网

garland 扩展词汇 英 ['ɡɑːlənd]    美['ɡɑːrlənd]     n.花环v.戴花环 过去式:garlanded过去分词:garlanded现在分词:garlanding第三人称单数:garlandsnewgarland的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:英英释义Noun:United States singer and film actress (1922-1969)

a city in northeastern Texas (suburb of Dallas)

an anthology of short literary pieces and poems and ballads etc.

flower arrangement consisting of a circular band of foliage or flowers for ornamental purposes

Verb:adorn with bands of flowers or leaves;

"They garlanded the statue"

garland的用法和样例:例句用作名词(n.)I wove a garland of flowers.
我编了一个花环。One flower makes no garland.
[谚]一朵鲜花,难做花环。The little girl presented the champion with a victory garland.
小女孩给冠军献上了胜利的花环。用作动词(v.)They garlanded him with roses.
他们给他戴上玫瑰花环。 词汇搭配win the garland比赛中获得胜利...get the garland夺得锦标,夺标获胜...carry away the garland获胜,夺得锦标...go away with the garland夺得锦标,夺标获胜...gain the garland获胜,夺得锦标...carry the garland夺得锦标,夺标获胜...经典引文

    Round about her shapely head A garland of dog-violet..meetly had she set.

    出自:W. Morris

    为人民服务是为了纪念谁而写的?毛泽东《为人民服务》的文章是为纪念张思德而写的。当时,抗日战争正处在十分艰苦的阶段,有许多困难需要克服。毛泽东主席针对这一情况,讲述为人民服务的道理,号召大家学习张思德同志完全彻底为人民服务的精神,团结起来,打败日本侵略者。Cat-girls had hung garlands of flowers around the captains' necks.

    出自:M. Coney

    Where Past and Present, wound in one, Do make a garland for the heart.


    Their hair loose, and flowing, gyrlanded with sea grass.


    Green was garlanding the windows, the..balconies, the..gateways, in celebration.

    出自:P. V. White

    Spareribs, onions, liver and pork..garlanded with those divine farm sausages.

    出自:transf.garland的相关资料:近反义词【近义词】wreath花圈lei(夏威夷人戴在颈上的)花...spray喷雾bouquet花束anthology选集collection收集coronet冠冕miscellany杂集coronal冠chaplet花冠florilegium选集Judy Garland裘蒂·迦伦...临近单词garlicgarishGarlandoGarlandagarlandrygarlandagegarlandosusGarland Judygarland cellsGarland's signGarland's curvegarland lashing
