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2023-09-20 17:38:31 来源:金风故事网

commit 核心词汇 英 [kə'mɪt]   [kə'mɪt]    
  • committablecommittedcommittedcommittingcommitsnewcommit的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:详尽释义v.(动词)犯(罪),干, 做使作出保证,使表态, 使承担义务,承诺,保证托,委,委托,委任,把...交托给,把...提交给(把议程等)交付委员会【律】提(审), 收(监), 下(牢),判处,把...押交,把...判处【军】使…投入战斗,指派...作战把...付诸拨出,指定...用于,调配…供使用双解释义v.(动词)vt. 犯罪; 犯错 perform a cri人均gdp是什么意思?人均GDP即人均国内生产总值(Real GDP per capita),是人们了解和把握一个国家或地区的宏观经济运行状况的重要指标之一。me, foolish actvt. 承诺; 使自己受约束 pledge; bind oneselfvt. 托付; 交付 entrust, give over, hand over to, for safekeeping or treatment英英释义Verb:perform an act, usually with a negative connotation;

    "perpetrate a crime"
    "pull a bank robbery"

    give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause;

    "She committed herself to the work of God"
    "give one's talents to a good cause"
    "consecrate your life to the church"

    cause to be admitted; of persons to an institution;

    "After the second episode, she had to be committed"
    "he was committed to prison"

    confer a trust upon;

    "The messenger was entrusted with the general's secret"
    "I commit my soul to God"

    make an investment;

    "Put money into bonds"

    engage in or perform;

    "practice safe sex"
    "commit a random act of kindness"

    commit的用法和样例:例句用作动词(v.)They committed outrages on innocent citizens.
    他们对无辜的市民犯下了暴行。He committed suicide rather than sell out to the enemy.
    他宁愿自杀而没有向敌人投降。He didn't commit himself to anything.
    他没有作任何承诺。The girl was committed to the care of an aunt.
    这女孩被交给姨母照顾。 常见句型用作动词(v.)用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.He has committed a serious fault.
    他犯了严重错误。He committed the crime under the influence of drink.
    他在醉酒状态中犯了罪。Their conversation did not commit me.
    他们的谈话没能影响我。I have committed myself, and there is no way to draw back.
    我既然已做了保证,就无法收回。Asked if he was a candidate, he refused to commit himself.
    当问到他是不是候选人时,他不置可否。用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. +to- vHe has committed himself to support them.
    commit for (v.+prep.)
      把(某人)押送至,送交… send or hold (sb) for (a purpose)
      commit sb for sb

      The prisoner was committed for trial.


    commit on (v.+prep.)
      把自己对(某事物或某人)的看法公之于众 make one's opinions known about (sth or sb)
      commit oneself on sth

      You can't change your mind now; you've already committed yourself on that question.


      He couldn't commit himself on any issue.


    commit to (v.+prep.)
      把…固定在,保留在…之上或之中 fix (sth) in or on (sth)
      commit sth to sth

      I commit this evil book to the flames.


      They committed some funds to the care of the board of trustees.


      commit sb to sth

      The boy was committed to the care of his aunt.


      The criminals were committed to prison.


      The old man was committed to a hospital for mad people.


      commit oneself/sth to sth/v-ing

      I must go. I have committed myself to the club tonight and the members are expecting me.


      I should not like to commit myself to an opinion at this stage.


      He has committed himself to the cause of education.


      He committed himself to the cause of modernizing the country's industry.


      The government can't commit any more money to improving the National Health Service.


      A thinking person must commit himself to working for peace.


      He was a good worker who was committed to his family as well as to his work.


      The doctor was committed to practical medicine.


      commit sth to sth

      Don't commit your promises to paper.


      The actor committed the part to memory.


      You should commit your idea to writing.


    词汇搭配用作动词 (v.)~+名词commit a crime犯罪commit an error犯错误commit a folly干蠢事commit murder and arson杀人放火commit an offence犯罪commit outrages残酷迫害commit a rape犯强奸罪commit the regulation违反规定commit a sin犯罪过commit a suicide自杀~+副词commit consciously有意识地犯罪commit fearlessly无畏地犯罪commit irrevocably不可改变地承诺commit mysteriously秘密地犯罪commit unconsciously无意识地犯罪commit vulgarly庸俗地犯罪~+介词commit oneself to受…的约束,专心致志于,献身于commit oneself to a cause献身于某事业commit oneself to a promise使自己坚守诺言commit sb to the care of把…托给…照顾commit sb to a mental hospital将某人送进精神病医院commit sb to prison关进监狱经典引文

      The magistrates committed the prisoners to the House of Correction for one month each.

      出自:H. Martineau

      I'm rather worried about you. About your mind...I think I'll have you committed.

      出自:E. Albee

      He was charged with wilful murder and formally committed for trial.

      出自:R. Traverscommit的详细讲解:词语用法v.(动词)commit的基本意思是“做”“干”,多用于错误的事、坏事。commit是及物动词,作“承诺”解时,后面接反身代词作宾语,表示“明确采取一种态度或路线”,常有“一经确定便不走回头路”的意思。后面接介词to或on,也可以接动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。commit也可表示为了特定的目的而“把…托付给”“把…提交给”解。这时其后须接介词to, to后可接名词,也可接动名词,常用于被动结构中。在口语中,commit还常用来表示“影响,约束”。commit的过去式、过去分词均为committed。commit oneself to doing something,解释为“使自己不得免于”,to 后面接动名词。

      He committed himself to doing it immedaitely.

      commit, perpetrate这组词都有“犯错误或犯罪”的意思。其区别是:commit可指犯错误,也可指犯罪的行动,还可指一般的“做”或“作”; perpetrate主要指犯罪,语意很强,即使宾语为中性词,也能表示出犯罪的意思。
      commit, confide, consign, entrust, relegate这组词都有“委托”的意思。其区别是:commit泛指委托给别人负责,意思最广泛; entrust表示“委托,托管”,强调对别人的信任; confide表示“托付,信赖”,强调对别人依赖和放心; consign表示“委托,交付”,指比较正式的委托; relegate表示“把…委托给”,侧重抛弃或摆脱。
      词源解说☆ 14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的committere:com (一起) + mittere (放,处理),意为放到一起处理。commit的相关资料:近反义词【近义词】entrust信赖pledge发誓promise诺言do做perform执行perpetrate做(坏事)devote致力于dedicate致力于consign交付obligate使负义务bind捆绑place地方give给oblige迫使earmark在耳朵做记号...designate指定reserve保留execute执行carry out施行hand over交出consecrate供神用commend推荐commission佣金confide吐露relegate使降级send发送trust信任put放practice练习invest投资intrust信赖institutionalise使制度化charge责任pull拉institutionalize使制度化临近单词commitmentcommissionerCommitocommit tocommittedcommittercommittalcommittingCommittericommit rapecommit unitcommit evil
