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2023-09-22 20:26:02 来源:金风故事网

egg 基本词汇 英 [eɡ]   [ɛɡ]    
    n.蛋;卵;蛋形物vt.用蛋覆盖;向 ... 扔蛋vt.怂恿;煽动
  • egglesseggedeggedeggingeggsnewegg的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:详尽释义n.(名词)蛋,鸡蛋,禽蛋卵,卵细胞<口>人,家伙卵形物炸弹,手榴弹,鱼雷没有意思的玩笑拙劣的表演胎妇女和雌性动物v.(动词)用蛋黄调拌,用蛋黄搀和鼓动,鼓励用蛋制作(食物)<口>向…掷鸡蛋指使,煽动,怂恿,挑唆用蛋覆盖双解释义n.(名词)[C]卵,蛋 oval object from which young are hatched, laid by birds, reptiles, insects, etc. and usually covered by a thin hard shell[U]蛋,鸡蛋 this, especially from a hen, used as food英英释义Noun:animal reproductive body consisting of an ovum or embryo together with nutritive and protective envelopes; especially the thin-shelled reproductive body laid by e.g. female birds

    oval reproductive body of a fowl (especially a hen) used as food

    one of the two male reproductive glands that produce spermatozoa and secrete androgens;

    "she kicked him in the balls and got away"

    Verb:throw eggs at

    coat with beaten egg;

    "egg a schnitzel"

    egg的用法和样例:例句用作名词(n.)The egg nestled in the long grass.
    蛋隐藏在高草中。The black hen lays an egg a day.
    那只黑母鸡每天生一个蛋。The tadpole hatches from the eg最小的合数是几?最小的合数是4。合数是指自然数中除了能被1和本身整除外,还能被其他数(0除外)整除的数。自然数从0开始。g.
    蝌蚪从卵中孵化出来。The egg hatches into a larva (caterpillar).
    卵孵化成了幼虫(毛虫)。You start your life in an egg like this.
    你的生命从这样的一个卵开始。Chocolate egg is traditionally eat on Easter day.
    人们按传统吃巧克力彩蛋庆祝复活节。用作及物动词(vt.)Egg mayonnaise is made with mayonnaise and hard-boiled eggs.
    鸡蛋美乃滋是用蛋黄酱和煮老的鸡蛋做成的。用作及物动词(vt.)Don't let him egg you on--you shouldn't take any notice of him.
    别听他煽动,你根本就不要去理睬他。Don't egg him on to play a trick on others.
    不要怂恿他捉弄别人。Why do you egg him on to do what you won't do yourself?
    你自己不干,为什么撺掇他呢? 常见句型用作名词(n.)The blackbird's nest contained four eggs.
    黑鹂巢里有四个蛋。The hen laid a large brown egg.
    这只母鸡下了一个大红皮鸡蛋。Birds come from eggs.
    鸟是卵生动物。Fish lay eggs.
    鱼产卵。He went to the store to get a dozen eggs.
    他到店里去买了一打鸡蛋。You've got egg all down your tie.
    你把鸡蛋都弄到领带上去了。He spilled a bit of egg on his shoe.
    bad egg
      失败的计划 failed plan
    bread the egg in sb's pocket
      打破某人的(计划) break sb's plan
    good egg
      〈口〉好人 good man
    goose egg
      (体育比赛或考试成绩)零分 zero
    have egg on one's face
      出丑,丢脸 lose face
    kill the goose that laid the golden egg
      贪婪过度,弄坏好事 be too greedy to do sth
    lay an egg
      不受听众欢迎,完全失败 be not population, fail completely
    put〔have〕 all one's eggs in one basket
      孤注一掷 stake all on a single attempt
    teach one's grandmother to such eggs
      班门弄斧 show off to the teacher
    词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~beat an egg打鸡蛋,搅鸡蛋boil an egg煮鸡蛋break an egg打碎鸡蛋break the eggs in sb's pocket打破某人的计划candle eggs对光检查蛋是否新鲜cook an egg煮鸡蛋eat an egg吃鸡蛋fry an egg炸鸡蛋have all one's eggs in one basket孤注一掷have egg on one's face丢脸,出丑lay an egg下蛋place an egg放鸡蛋produce eggs下蛋,产蛋put all one's eggs in one basket孤注一掷形容词+~a dozen eggs一打鸡蛋bad egg坏蛋,坏家伙,失败的计划big egg大鸡蛋brown egg红皮蛋fresh egg鲜蛋名词+~bird's egg鸟蛋duck egg鸭蛋Easter egg复活节彩蛋Scotch eggs苏格兰蛋~+名词egg whites蛋白介词+~in the egg尚在初期的,未成熟的经典引文

    They are up already and call for eggs and butter.

    出自:1 Henry IV,Shakespeare

    I egged him on...It wasn't his fault.

    出自:B. Bainbridgeegg的详细讲解:词语用法n.(名词)egg的基本意思是“蛋,卵”,指鸟类、爬行动物、昆虫等产的卵,作此解时,是可数名词,当egg泛指“蛋”“卵”时,常用复数形式。egg还可作“蛋”“鸡蛋”解,指用作食物的蛋,即打开壳供烹调用的蛋,是不可数名词,可用a bit of egg表示“一点蛋” 。在科技术语中egg可指卵细胞。常见错误n.(名词)小鸡是从蛋里孵化出来的。

    误 Chicken are hatched from egg.

    正 Chicken are hatched from eggs.

    析 当egg泛指“蛋”时,一定要用复数形式。

    词源解说☆ 14世纪中期进入英语,直接源自中古英语的eggs;最初源自古挪威语的egg,意为蛋。egg的相关资料:近反义词【近义词】ovum卵urge驱策incite煽动reproductive cell生殖细胞egg cell卵细胞ovule胚珠spur支脉drive开车encourage鼓励push推egg on怂恿某人pressure压强stir激起agitate煽动provoke激怒embryo胚胎arouse叫醒bollock 睾丸ball球eggs蛋ballock睾丸orchis红门兰testis睾丸nut坚果testicle睾丸临近单词eggplantegfEggeEGGMeggseggerEgganeggedeggarEggliEggeneggcup

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